How to Navigate God’s Mind: 3 mental strategies to orient you on your way to success

It’s overwhelming when you realize that it’s all up to you to make a change.

You are the conductor and it’s full steam ahead. You see a split in the tracks, you make the choice: left or right.

But here in God’s Mind, it’s about more than choice. The world isn’t going to suddenly shift in your favor because you chose to drink tea instead of coffee this morning.

If you understand the basics of God’s Mind, its structure, and governing principles, you can upgrade from pure choice to conscious decision with material results.

God’s Mind or the Universal Mind, the framework, is governed by an ancient principle.

“As above, so below”

Meaning there is correspondence between the macrocosm and the microcosm. If God’s Mind can manifest physical outcomes like planets and stars, so can the human mind.

Hence, as a proud, manifested physical resident of God’s mind, bestowed with a mind, to be used within God’s mind, you have the same ability to manifest.

As dictated by universal law, your mind connects you to the universal mind (as above, so below) and allows you to form your own character arc in the novel that is life.

Yes, you exist within a novel, God’s Mind. But you shape your reality in said novel, which is cool.

Just to make sure you’re with me.

In summary,

You are intricately connected to God’s Mind, giving you the same ability to use your mind to create your physical reality.

Ok. So….

“How is this done?”

“What are some concrete examples?”

I’m glad you asked.

The Law of Correspondence

This universal law encompasses the principle of “as above, so below”, but also includes the accompanying principle “as within, so without”.

Your inner world reflects your outer world and vice versa. Your thoughts and emotions create your external reality.

Change your thoughts, change your life.

By making the conscious decision to observe and adjust the way you think about potential outcomes, you can change the outcome itself, as expressed by motivational author Louise Hay:

“The thoughts you ’choose’ to think create the experiences you have. If you believe that it is hard or difficult to change a habit or a thought, then your choice of this thought will make it true for you. If you would choose to think, ‘It is becoming easier for me to make changes,’ then your choice of this thought will make that true for you.”

Anyone can use this principle to manifest a preferred outcome.

Imprint the knowledge or affirmation associated with the preferred outcome in your mind. Feel that which you wish to express and write, visualize, meditate, and repeat it into existence with as much detail as possible.

The Law of Cause and Effect

There is no such thing as “chance” or “luck”. These words are used to express an event in which the cause is unknown.

There is always a cause to an event.

A writer does not become successful because they’re lucky. They write profusely, employ writing structures, and make adjustments to their marketing strategy. There is a formula. A series of causes that produce a result.

As expressed in Hermetic philosophy within the “The Kyballion”:

“There is a continuity between all events precedent, consequent, and subsequent. There is a relation existing between everything that has gone before, and everything that follows. ”

The Kyballion later specifies that:

“The majority of people are more or less the slaves of heredity, environment, etc., and manifest very little Freedom. They are swayed by the opinions, customs and thoughts of the outside world, and also by their emotions, feelings, moods, etc.”

When you observe and begin to understand why you want to do something or say something, you can change course if the “because” is not desirable.

You gain the ability to:

“will to will, instead of to will because some feeling, mood, emotion, or environmental suggestion arouses a tendency or desire within [you] so to do.”

The Law of Vibration

As Nikola Tesla once said,

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

Everything, and I mean everything, is constantly vibrating at a certain frequency.

When you experience different emotions your vibrational frequency changes.

For example, if you feel joy your frequency rises and you vibrate at a higher rate. If you feel guilt your frequency drops and you vibrate at a lower rate.

You must develop your willpower to elevate your vibration, raise your consciousness, and gain a higher level of mastery over your feelings, emotions, and moods.

Just like you’d develop muscle, exercise your power of will by consciously placing your awareness on a desirable feeling. Raise your vibration by feeling how you’d feel experiencing this feeling.

Next Stop: Higher Consciousness

You’re still the conductor choosing which tracks to go down. But now, you see that your mind is connected to a higher power, which allows you to create your own tracks and place them wherever you desire

Be within yourself what you wish to experience on the outside. Do you want to encounter peace, tranquility, and compassion or chaos, resentment, and fear? Your decision.

Be the creator of exceptional results. Do you act because you will it or do you act because you feel you should? Your decision.

Be the high vibration. Do you choose to feel how you want to feel or do you allow your environment to dictate how you feel? Your decision.

Of course, when you’re conscious of God’s Mind during the decision-making process, things tend to align themselves divinely.