3 Ways to Boost Prana Flow for Natural Health and Vitality

How do we know that we’re getting sick? And once we get that “getting sick” feeling, how do we stop the sickness from advancing?

We usually become aware of an illness in our body through the physical symptoms. We feel our throat getting sore, our head starting to ache, or a tension arising in some part of the body. 

From experience, we know that if certain actions are taken quickly the illness can be avoided or at least decreased in intensity. 

We stop eating to allow the body to focus its energy on the sickness. We drink juice or tea. We rest and stop engaging in stressful or physically demanding activities. 

All these things help the physical body gain strength and recover. 

But what if I told you that before the sickness even took hold within the physical body, it had already manifested within the etheric or energy body as an energy blockage.

With this truth added to the equation, if we can prevent or remove the energy blockage, we won’t have to worry about treating a physical symptom because there won’t be any to treat. 

The Breath of Life 

It all comes down to the body’s need for constant and free-flowing energy.

This energy is known as the vital or life force energy. Also referred to as prana or chi. As well as pneuma by the ancient Greeks, mana by the Polynesians, and ruah or “the breath of life” by the Hebrews. 

Similar to our circulatory system, the meridian system is our body’s web of highways that supply us with prana. When one of these energy roads is blocked, the energy cargo can’t reach its final destination. 

This affects the energy body with a rippling effect on the physical body.

Fortunately, there are simple practices you can do that make it easier for your energy body to absorb a potent and steady stream of prana, improving overall health and preventing disease. 

  1. Solar Prana

Solar prana is obtained from the most powerful energy source at our disposal. By “bathing” in sunlight or drinking water that has been exposed to sunlight, you absorb solar prana. 

Be aware of your body’s limits when it comes to sun exposure. Too much of this energy source can become harmful.

When consciously absorbed and enjoyed, the sun revitalizes and recharges the energy body.

So get off the couch and under those sunrays for a quick energy boost.

  1. Air Prana  

Air prana is inhaled by the lungs and absorbed directly through your energy centers or chakras

For complete access to this prana, you can use various breathing techniques. The most simple and easy one being slow, deep rhythmic breath. 

Become conscious of your breath and you will see that your breath automatically slows down. Continue to become aware of your natural breath flow. Soon, you will be able to program a slower, deeper breathing pattern as an unconscious habit. 

Take full inhales and complete exhales while visualizing the prana enter and move throughout your body. 

  1. Ground Prana  

Ground prana is absorbed through the soles of the feet from the earth.

Walking barefoot on the earth increases the amount of prana your energy body absorbs. Also known as grounding, this practice clears the mind and helps sustain daily productivity.

While grounding in nature, touch a tree and request energy and health. Trees give off large amounts of prana you can easily access.

Remain conscious throughout these processes. Feel the tingling, numbing sensation of the prana entering your body powering your organs and revitalizing your aura.